Gaming News & Esports Entertainment

The QORCAST is a gaming and esports entertainment podcast. Shedding light on the world of competitive esports through news and comedy. A no-holds-barred of real raw esports entertainment. Taking esports news back to its roots.


    Danny is an audio engineer by day and a content creator by night. He has spent the last 3 years producing quality sound for his own content, as well as for the podcast in it's early days. Danny is a true gamer at heart and you will find him streaming lots of VR and the newest trending games. Although he isn't very good at it, he also plays a lot of Valorant. Danny spends his time on long walks and contemplating the psychology around gaming in order to bring to you a different side of esports news and entertainment.


    Ennis "GalAxy" is a true gamer to the core. He has spent the last 3 years creating content and covering news about various games during their competitive season and all year long. You can catch him streaming the new hottest betas and games and loosely giving his opinions. Ennis does not hold back when covering stories which makes him a true esports journalist.


    Paul has a long history in entertainment. With no role being too small for him. His favorite game is One Tap and hopes to make it big one day in the leaderboards.
